Friday Fill-Ins #55


  1. The last compliment I got was from inland empire girl: she said that I make her day.
  2. I’m reading Barefoot by Elin Hildebrand. Haven’t decided if I like it yet or not.
  3. I woke up today and thought FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!!!!!! YAY!! HERE COME DA JUDGE!!
  4. Why does winter seem to last until the twelfth of never, while summer is just a long weekend?
  5. The last thing I ate was peanut butter on saltine crackers, washed down with Dunkin Donuts iced coffee. If you mean real food, it was shells and sauce.
  6. January… it sucketh!!
  7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to spending time with Sweet Baboo and doing some knitting, tomorrow my plans include buying a potty chair for my GrandDolly, and Sunday, I want to just do a general straightening up and putting away in my house!

curlicue line

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4 thoughts on “Friday Fill-Ins #55

  1. Ahhh…come on. January isn’t THAT bad. Of course, I live in Southern California where no day is ever bad. Unless you’re on the freeway (then you’re just stuck in traffic!). 🙂

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